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Pharentesis (2001-2003)

I had graduated from college with a major in computer science, but the decision to study fine arts at university had family support and was made.

I ended up dropping out in the first semester, I didn't have the necessary maturity to face the very high schedule and pressure of the first year of the arts school. 

This decision was accompanied by a promise to dedicate my time  one hundred percent to paint, exhibit and sell. 

And so it was ... almost 5 years dedicated to perfecting my craft all day and showing my work together with my great friend, the Artist Daniel Guerra, all over the country that gave us the opportunity.

This set of works is the result of an incessant search. I think it is the link between my beginnings and the textures that I used in Otavalo for the Cristos de Vereda series (2000-2001).

This stage culminated when in 2005 I decided to enroll in the Faculty again and finish my degree.

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